Through the prayers and support of so many of you, God sent me to Slovakia and Hungary from June 30 - August 3rd, 2012...and it was AMAZING! Read all about it, the many lives of teens impacted for Christ, and other post-project results in the newsletter link below:
AUGUST 2012 Newsletter: "Summer Missions: Eastern Europe"
Slovakia'12 Worship Team
(Miska, Shannon, Jarka, Me,
Cameron, Caleb, Joshua) |
I went overseas thinking I was going to just observe, take a few photos, talk about recruitment, and help out where needed. Instead, God humbled me by using me to answer two of the Slovakia team's biggest prayers: to lead worship and serve as official photographer. God also stretched me out of my comfort zone by teaching me to follow His lead and go outside my neatly planned out schedule. I ended up staying one extra week in Slovakia to stay for all of their camps, since it was a smaller team and my involvement could be of greatest help.
Timka & Filip rehearse to
lead worship for their first time! |
Putting together a worship team of Americans and Slovaks and mentoring burgeoning lead worshippers was one of the most rewarding things I've had the privilege of doing. We started as a bunch of people that had never sung or played together, and quickly gelled as we were united by the Holy Spirit. We worshipped cohesively in two languages (English and Slovak), gave of our hearts, and grew SO much together during our short time together.
I watched as my dear brothers and sisters in Christ blossomed and grew within my mentoring. My friend Miska told me how she had prayed for someone to help show her how to grow as a worship leader...and I marveled because I'd thought I wasn't going to be able to do any music at all over the summer projects!
At the end of the camps in Slovakia, Timka (one of the Slovak staff on our worship team) even wrote to tell me,
"I praise the Lord for the opportunity he´s given to me - and we could met. And i thank *YOU* for waking up the music inside of me! Now i finally know, how to bless the God in my way..."

THANK YOU for sending me out into the world to encourage, teach, make music, and speak the love of God into others with my very presence in their lives. In the process, I also have been forever changed! :)
For His glory,