I grew up in Syracuse, NY and served as an Admissions Counselor for 5 years with Syracuse University, helping recruit thousands of new undergraduates each year. As the years went by, I kept feeling like something was missing. At one point, I looked at my professional life and Christian life and asked, “if I’ve got all this recruiting experience, why can’t I be a better recruiter for God’s Kingdom too?” Well, God had an answer…
In my search for direction in my work, I came across a “job posting” for a full time staff position with Campus Crusade for Christ as a Recruitment Specialist with Student Venture (SV) headquarters in Orlando, Florida. I’d never heard of SV and only had been to one Crusade meeting before. But, the more I studied the SV web sites, talked with and met the staff at headquarters, and caught the heart of the ministry, I realized this was what I had been looking for. I even wish there had been a SV ministry at my high school when I was struggling through my teenage years!
Serving as a Recruitment Specialist with SV is God’s answer in several ways; it’s His way of using my passion to reach people for Christ and the recruiting skills I’ve gained to meet one of the greatest needs: to multiply the workers for His harvest. It would be a privilege to partner with you to glorify God in completing the Great Commission. Your investments of prayer and/or finances can make an eternal impact in the lives of teens everywhere. Won’t you join with me today?
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