Here are my newsletters, for easy access, all in one post. Will update this with each monthly newsletter =)
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January 2012 - "It's A Small World After All" - My first post from Orlando, FL after traveling from Syracuse, NY :)
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January 2012 - "It's A Small World After All" - My first post from Orlando, FL after traveling from Syracuse, NY :)
June - July 2010 - "The Brains Behind The Training" - Getting Utica area prepped for spiritual movements with the help of the SV Coaching Center
April 2011 - "A Little 'Hello' Goes A Long Way" - Exciting domino effect of God's networking when we're faithful with the little connections and things in our lives
Feb - March 2011
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"Will You Reach Me?"(PDF)
being missionaries to their
peers in school; Utica, NY.
(*This is a large PDF file;
if it doesn't download properly,
the main text is
pasted to the right. Enjoy!)
Responding through spiritual multiplication
“I live in the least parented generation...”
“90% of my generation have been exposed to online pornography...”
“Researchers say that only 4% of my generation will be bible believing Christians...”
One by one, the youth of Clinton Road Baptist Church read aloud to each other some very sobering statistics about their generation. All finish with the same question: “will you reach me?” Not till the end of the activity do I highlight something easily overlooked: everyone asks the question, but no one responds to it.
We spoke of how easy it is for this to be the case with so many Christians. We lose sight of how these statistics are the very people around us. We get too comfortable just “doing church stuff” and think that actively going out to reach people where they are is a task that someone else will handle. But the Great Commission was issued to all of us who say we’re Christians – regardless of age.
The room grew quiet as the youth group and leaders watched the inspiring testimonial video of Staci Stephens (, a teenaged girl whose short life ended up changing the face of her entire community because she said, “I want a unique ministry” and reached out to her peers with the love of Christ. I challenged this group of young people to do the same and go outside the walls of their church to be missionaries to their schools.
In response to this challenge and the original question, “who will reach me?,” the CRBC teens wrote down on an index card the names of peers they could reach out to with the message of Christ. How beautiful to see their cards fill up with names! I encouraged them to circle two names to focus on for this upcoming year. This way, if one of them could reach two people for Christ in a year, disciple them to be able to each reach two more people and so on, the effect would be exponential! Viola – spiritual multiplication!J
Praise God that even within just this one youth group, there is the potential for up to five school campuses and hundreds of students in the Utica area to be reached for Christ if the teens rise up to the Great Commission challenge set before them. Please pray for the CRBC youth, the CRBC leadership team, and the other youth they and many others find the tools Student Venture provides to be helpful in reaching campuses groups God leads me to speak to about spiritual multiplication. Pray they and many others find the tools Student Venture provides to be helpful in teaching campuses and teens for Christ (i.e.; THANK YOU!
2010 December - 2011 January -
"SV: The Next Generation":
sparking a spiritual movement through the youth!
2010 November - "Divine Connections: Rochester, NY" ...bringing word of SV to Western NY!
2010 October - "Just A Taste: Success Is..." my very first official recruit!
2010 September - "A Bigger Picture" : exciting things happening in Central NY
2010 August - "But The Workers Are Few" : a profile of my friend and new SV staff, Sheridan Dunn (Oklahoma City)
2010 July - "Being Unstoppable & Unafraid" : a look at the 2010 SV Getaway conference in Myrtle Beach, SC
2010 June - "Around The World In Two Tables" : God's divine connections on an international scale in Syracuse
2010 May - "A Very Big Apple (SV) Day" : my visit to NYC branch of SV
2010 April - "That's What It's All Aboot!" : connecting with a visiting group of teens from MN
2010 Feb-March - "Nerves, Prayers, & Praises" : my first group presentation about SV during support raising
2010 April - "That's What It's All Aboot!" : connecting with a visiting group of teens from MN
2010 Feb-March - "Nerves, Prayers, & Praises" : my first group presentation about SV during support raising