3326 Bo Jeremy Drive
Orlando, FL 32822
c: 315-427-7055
twitter: @gahlai
Facebook group: "We're Going Gahlai"
I'd love to HEAR from you!
I'd love to MEET with you!
So keep in touch...
*when your address changes
*with your prayer requests and updates
*to subscribe/unsubscribe to my newsletters
*to invite me to come speak about SV...
(at your church, small group, etc.)
*anytime just to say hello!
etc. etc. get the idea, right? =)
3326 Bo Jeremy Drive
Orlando, FL 32822
c: 315-427-7055
twitter: @gahlai
Facebook group: "We're Going Gahlai"
I'd love to HEAR from you!
I'd love to MEET with you!
So keep in touch...
*when your address changes
*with your prayer requests and updates
*to subscribe/unsubscribe to my newsletters
*to invite me to come speak about SV...
(at your church, small group, etc.)
*anytime just to say hello!
etc. etc. get the idea, right? =)
~ ~ ~ ~
P.S. Please Do…
*INVITE me to come share about my ministry
at a church service, small group(s), or other venues.
*INTRODUCE me to your missions board, or give
to my ministry through your church’s missions budget.
*CONNECT me with people who are like-minded,
wanting to see teenagers reached for Christ.
* * * * THANK YOU! * * * *