What happens next...

1) *Tell the boss (done!)
2) *Tell the room mates (done!)
3) *Prep the move (doing now!)
4) *Go to FL for 1 month training (Jan 4-Feb 7, 2010)
5) *Return to Syracuse for MPD (Ministry Partnership Development)
6) Move to FL when full funding is secured
7) Only God knows...!
(*Read on for Details! Details! Details!)
1) Tell the boss: I actually told my boss the day after I got my acceptance (12/2/09) that I was putting in my 1 month's notice at work. It was both a scary and encouraging time as I heard my boss express his happiness for me, and as his "dad-mode" kicked in and he asked me lots of questions too. I was so touched, and very glad to have things out in the open. It did make it feel so surreal when the official memo went out to ALL the office staff about my having accepted a new position elsewhere. People were so encouraging and positive, it really reinforced my love for all these wonderful people I've come to know and treasure after working at SU for 5+ years.
My official last day in the office will be Dec 23rd. My official last day as a Univer

2) Tell the roommates: I told my 2 roommates and they were happy for me...and then we realized the reality of our having to find someone to sublet the apartment in the Spring because my plan is to move back to my parents' house to save money during my upcoming support-raising months. We put an ad onto craigslist and got a bunch of possible leads. Things are looking good - but keep praying. I'm still trusting God to come through as He's promised.

3) Prepare the "move": My brain starts reeling a bit when I even think about having to move from my current cozy apartment to my parents' house. I have SO much stuff to move! And, after 3 years of living in my own place, it's going to be an adjustment living back at home. But, I know it's going to be important and good for me to spend time with my family before I move to FL. But, goodness gracious - I started to clean today, but didn't get far as I felt kind of daunted by all the stuff I'm gonna have to remove from this place. =P
4) Go to FL for training (Jan 4-Feb 7, 2009): I'm super excited about training!! I already bought most of my books online at Amazon, have joined the facebook group for the New Staff Training (and subsequently "friended" all the 37 people in that group! hahah - hope they don't think I'm crazy...hehehe), and took the leap and bought a plane ticket. Training will be in Daytona Beach, FL at a conference center. It's gonna be interesting, though, because I signed up for a 3-4 person room (it's much cheaper than the 2 person room), and I have NO IDEA who I'll be paired with. Also, the funds I need to raise (approx $4000) for Training will be covering things like food, transportation, books (for classes), and other ministry expenses. But, I believe that God has already been preparing financial support for me - and it's just about where it will come from...not if it will come in. So, I look forward to sharing praise reports with you about that as things unfold. =)
5) Return to Syracuse to start MPD: I'll return to Syracuse after New Staff Training end

Let's keep in touch!
If you have not already done so, please e-mail me at gahlai@gmail.com with your mailing address and phone #, what you're up to, and any prayer requests you may have. Let me know what's going on in your life too! I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you =)
In joyful pursuit of Him,