Yeah. Well, I'm both excited and a bit nervous about this waiting and "big changes"'s been a good few weeks now since I submitted my application. There were a few loose ends to tie up (like getting 2 references resubmitte

Actually, as part of (pretty) standard procedures, last Monday, Nov 23rd, I spoke with Lynn, the Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) person who's reviewing my application. She had some questions for me about my application and I was glad to speak with her. She kindly clarified a few things that I'd answered as "I'm not exactly sure, but I think it's..." when I filled out the Doctrinal Questionnaire. (That Questionnaire has some tough questions in it - especially since you're not allowed to reference the Bible while you're completing the questions! hehe.) We spoke also a bit about some of the things I'd shared in the "Moral Convictions Questionnaire" and how I admit to still being a work-in-progress in God's hands at this time (as all of us are works-in-progress, eh?).
I also felt like God really gave me the chance to speak with Lynn so I could ask her some questions about her experiences as staff at CCC and SV - because she's worked both in the field as an SV staff worker in 2 cities and now as a staff member at the CCC Headquarters. She's also been working with CCC for 23 years through her single and married years (now married to
someone in ministry too, and has 4 kids) - so she had some really helpful and encouraging insights as to how God's called her and brought her through all of these years and seasons of her life. Both for her and her husband over these years, they've seen God do wonderful things and provide in so many ways too. Just having that time to talk with her was really so nice! After the conversation, I can still say with confidence that I feel like the door still remains open and I will continue to walk forward and through that door as the Lord wills - or until he closes that door. (photo = doorway/entryway to SV Headquarters)

A cool thing is that I had been wondering about exactly when the dates are for the upcoming 5 week training, should I be approved to join as staff. Lynn didn't know the details, so she said she'd look into it for me. After we finished the hour long conversation, I saw that completely different CCC staff member had e-mailed me DURING the conversation with Lynn and provided me with all the information about the training session I needed! God does answer prayers even before we pray them =)
Of course, in the grand scheme of things, I understand that anything can happen, and for any various unforeseen reasons, my application could be turned I'm trying to wait on God to give me that final green light that will unlock so many other things that are hinging upon this decision/piece of information: giving my 1 month's notice to my job, landing some part time work, registering for the January 5 week training session in FL, finding someone to sublet my apartment for the Spring semester, raising support and funding for the traning session and to become a full time staff person...and so on, and so forth. =P Needless to say, I can certainly use all the prayer anyone can spare...but at the same time, I know whatever happens, I still give God praise and glory for how he's sustained me and strengthened me throughout these past 5 months (wow! that flew by!) as all this was unfolding.
I still don't kn

I should hear from CCC/Lynn by this Monday, Nov 30th, about the decision on my application. Please pray that God's will be done. =)
Thank you for joining in my journey...till next time, may we always be -
In pursuit of Him,
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