App Stuff: Truly, it was quite a challenge, finishing this 70 page (!) application in the midst of a very busy recruitment and travel season at work. It was admittedly very difficult to find time in between the week long trips I’ve already had (Boston and San Francisco). Those weeks were always packed with high school visits and interviews that took me from 5:30am-8:00pm sometimes. By the time I’d finish with a day of visits and interviews, and managed to get a bite to eat, it would be time to go to sleep. Then, coming back into the office was a whole other type of crazy because so many other staff would be out traveling, we’d have a skeleton crew on tap to do the daily tasks of answering e-mails, phone calls, greeting the public with information sessions and conducting (yes) more interviews of prospective students. One would be lucky to find any time to get home and do some laundry during the week and repack quickly enough to be ready to go out again the following week to another city for more of the same. I’m in Princeton, NJ this week and then I'm off to Philly, PA the third week of November. (Fun fact: I’ll have the interesting privilege of turning 31 in the city of brotherly love…my goodness…how time flies. =P hehe)

Other Fun/Music Stuff: It’s been equally exciting these past few months as my band mates in the worship team I’m on have been practicing constantly in preparation for being the opening act for Lincoln Brewster…which took place this past Sunday, October 25, 2009 at Northside Baptist Church through CNY Crossroads ( It was amazing and humbling to be able to play at a venue that was sold out with over 700 people in one place…the largest crowd I’ve ever played in front of! And I so thoroughly enjoyed the experience of being able to work on a handful of songs over a longer period of time and fine-tuning them till pretty solid. Needless to say, I’m quite tired these days and today, I found myself sniffling a bit – so I hope I don’t get sick!!
Aaaand, Back to App Stuff: Anyways – I’m just so glad to have persisted and persevered in the completion of my application to Student Venture. I so greatly appreciated the depth and breadth of the questions that were asked of me in the application. It’s a lot of work, but it’s been such a wonderful thing for me to go through because as I answer their questions about my doctrinal beliefs, background information and family dynamics, my employment and educational history, my ministry experience and more, I’ve learned a lot of things about myself. Truthfully, I’d never really stopped to do a “self-evaluation” of where I’ve come from and who I’ve become in Christ. It was great to be able to take the time to get to know myself better through these guided questionnaires.
“The Past;” a.k.a. Scary stuff: I must confess, though, that the Moral Convictions Questionnaire was a bit scary in some ways because it forced me to really think about how I approach some touchy subjects like boundaries and relationships between guys and girls, past messes and slip-ups, or my own “skeletons in the closet.” Admittedly, there was a part of me that still felt like I wanted to cover up my past and not have to air it out again. However, I knew that the only way to give God glory for healing and bringing me out of a messy past was to acknowledge it, and acknowledge the
In Closing, (Finally!): At long last, once I looked over the application multiple times over the past few weeks, I came to the point where I no longer felt like I was forgetting something or not clearly answering a particular section/question. Being a bit of a perfectionist sometimes who can get hung up on specifics and details, it was hard to let go and stop tweaking the application and just finish it and get it out. However, I’m feeling at peace about how it all ended up and what I’ve included in there. It’s crazy how much I’ve prayed for God’s direction, longed for something to change, and now that something seems to be happening, I see how scary change can be at the same time as being so refreshing. Does that make sense at all?! It’s like I’ve finally gotten a drink of water and see over the hill to the open door – only to be a bit afraid that it’s not actually gonna happen and worry the door’s gonna close. You know what I mean? Kind of like when I have to fly to a new destination and I can hardly believe I’m going to get to go – and part of me only believes it when I touch down and arrive at that destination. *sigh* Oh, unbelief – be gone from me!
All 7 of my references should be in or on their way, and now that I’ve sent my application to headquarters’ human resources department, all I can do now is wait, pray, and trust in the Lord’s plans. In a way, because one never really knows how things will end up, I feel like I can’t fully celebrate about this open door until I get the approval and even go through the support raising process itself…but that won’t stop me from praising God anyways every step along the way. Regardless of what happens, I know I’ve already learned so much more about myself, about who I am as a Christian, and what a staff position with Campus Crusade/Student Venture and/or missionary job might be like. It’s not so foreign after all or out of the question for me to be

Just Keep Praying, Praying, Praying: I’m trying not to think too far ahead while thinking ahead a bit too – I still have to deal with putting in my resignation in the future, looking into part-time employment during support-raising season, moving from my apartment to my parents’ house again, and the continued process of trusting God in new, challenging, scary and yet exciting ways. But, regardless, God is so great! I can only look forward with anticipation and excitement as He unfolds the next chapter and season in my life. I hope and pray that whatever it entails, I’ll continue to bring Him joy and glory in everything.
Thank you for your encouragement and prayers…I’m so grateful for the chance to keep you in the loop and hear from you about what’s going on in your life too. Please do write me anytime at I hope and pray you are well.
Till next time, blessings to you!
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